Its' faithful return
The sweetness of Spring and its' faithful return! What a season of waiting and wondering. At times I thought the budding trees and little seedlings would not survive. Although there was some loss during the unusual winter months, the fields still bear the resemblance of Spring.
Without further ado, I am delighted to share the Flower subscription season with you again this year! As said before, the shares will begin near the end of May/early June. I will be in touch as the date draws near. The tentative spring and summer dates, pick up locations, and subscription prices are below:
8 week Late Spring/Summer Subscription for $100, goes from the last week of May/1st week of June – last week of July.
Durham Pick up Locations:
Bull City Cool Food Hub at 902 N. Mangum StreetDay/Time: Friday's between 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.JCC (Jewish Community Center)Day/Time: Friday’s time TBD (Let me know if you are interested in this option!)
Carrboro Pick Up Location:
Carolina Core PilatesDay/Time: Monday's time TBD (Let me know if you are a Pilates client with scheduled class times!)*
There is also the option of picking up from the farm. Let me know if this is more convenient for you.
A flower subscription is a wonderful gift to share as well. Please also pass this information on to friends who might be interested.
If you are interested you may send a check, or click here to pay with PayPal:

If you have any questions about payment please email me at You are welcome to write a check and sent it to 3120 Mt. Sinai Road Durham, NC 27705. You can write the check out to Katy Phillips.
**I also wanted to let you know that not only will flowers be blooming in the fields, but a very special group of people will frequent the farm. Reality Ministries will be starting a pilot farm project on adjoining land to grow vegetables and flowers for their Reality Cafe. If you are not familiar with Reality Ministries, it is a Durham-based community with the vision and intention of creating space for friendships between persons of all kinds of abilities, limitations, challenges and gifts. People in the community live with and without developmental disabilities and they all share life together.
As part of this community, the Reality Cafe crew has been gathering for over a year learning together and teaching one another about food and extending hospitality. Their time has been filled with visiting farms and local restaurants, making fabric napkins, gardening, and learning how to serve food. They also do lots of cooking!
Greg Little, the Cafe Manager at Reality beautifully states that "the aim of the Reality Cafe includes a desire to welcome people from the wider Durham community into our joyful life together through a delicious, shared meal. It also aims to identify and cultivate the gifts - many of which are often hidden - of the community of persons with and without developmental disabilities, and to share those gifts with our neighbors. In this way, our community receives hands-on experience working in a kitchen and cafe-style environment, and our guests receive the oft unnoticed beauty peculiar to the community of persons at Reality Ministries."
We are excited to connect the Reality Cafe to the gift of tending a small piece of land.
A group of Reality participants will come to the farm each week on 2 given work days to grow vegetables. They will also help with some of the flower production. The hope is to become a space that fosters meaningful and co-creative work for Reality participants; a place where beauty, person and land are nurtured and tended. Where attention is given to the particular miracle of creation.
Please know that part of your flower subscription will go towards supporting this Reality farm project.
Thank you! I look forward to gracing your tables and homes with beauty,